You searched for "Cancer"

763 results found

Urologist in the House!

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( This month, I am joined once again by Kassie Ball to discuss the...

BJUI Knowledge

BJUI Knowledge is a new online educational platform for urologists. It combines online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) through e-learning, with a platform for recording CPD activity. It was released in February 2016 and is free to access and use for...

Unlocking the potential of AI chatbots

The landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving rapidly, and one of its most exciting domains is large language models (LLMs) powering AI chatbots. These models hold immense potential to transform how we interact with technology, offering personalised assistance in...

Medical statistics for urologists: part 2 – probability and hypothesis testing

Following on from Part 1 of this series (Part 3 available here), this article aims to build on other analytical techniques commonly used within medical research, focusing on simple examples. Probability and testing Before exploring hypothesis testing, it is vital...

Use of bone windows in urological CT

Introduction Unenhanced computed tomography of kidneys, ureter and bladder (CTKUB) is the recommended gold standard investigation in patients with acute renal colic. CT urography is now a commonly used technique in the investigation of haematuria, for surgical planning and for...

The Kennedy Report

Context The death of George Floyd at the hands of racist driven police brutality in May 2020 shook the world into a period of civil unrest and active demonstration against unacceptable discrimination displayed by people of authority. The Black Lives...

An algorithm for the management of haemorrhagic cystitis

Haemorrhagic cystitis (HC) can be one of the most difficult conditions to treat in urological practice. It is characterised by intractable bleeding from the bladder and may be acute or chronic. The most frequently reported causal factors are radiotherapy (RT)...

Burnout: an increasing problem in urology

“What we mean, man,” said Chuck forcefully, “is this: how can we care for patients if nobody cares for us?” – Samuel Shem, The House of God, 1978. Samuel Shem’s (Steven Bergman, MD) satirical novel The House of God, has...

Making the most of BJUI Knowledge – a trainee’s perspective

BJUI Knowledge combines online continuing professional development (CPD) content for urologists with a platform for recording all CPD activity in one place. This also makes it a useful resource for urological trainees. This article will outline how to use BJUI...

Initial impressions of urology in the UK from overseas trainees

Readers of Urology News will be familiar with descriptions of overseas visits by UK-based urological trainees, but it is sometimes beneficial to reflect on the experience of international medical graduates (IMGs) who elect to come to work and train in...

Use of Clavien-Dindo classification in urology part 2 – upper tract

A classification system of surgical complications was proposed by Clavien in 1992 [1] and further modified by Dindo in 2004 [2]. Clavien-Dindo classification has since then been validated through many retrospective case series as well as in comparative studies to...

Preparing for the FRCS (Urol) viva

Ping! You look down to your phone and you have just received an email saying, “Congratulations, you have now successfully completed The Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations section 1 of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (Urol) exam.”...