You searched for "treatment"

784 results found

Onabotulinum toxin A (BTX) not helpful for chronic scrotal pain

It is refreshing to read a report on negative outcomes as it reinforces the honesty that is often lacking with the well-known publication bias in medical publications. It is also not common to come across surgical randomised controlled trials (RCTs)...

An effective new solution for chronic pelvic pain patients

The Feel Free Programme is a safe, effective innovation which addresses the overwhelming caseload pressure on clinics because patients can start right now...

Is robotic pyeloplasty in the under-ones as good as open repair?

Pelviureteric junction obstruction (PUJO) is a common cause of paediatric hydronephrosis. Indications for intervention include reduced renal function (<40%), symptoms (urinary tract infection or pain) and increasing dilatation. Although the Anderson-Hynes open pyeloplasty (OP) has long been the gold standard...

Robot-assisted ureterocalicostomy

Ureterocalicostomy was first introduced by Neuwirt (1947) and further described by Jameson et al. (1957) as an alternative procedure for repair of pelviureteric junction (PUJ) obstruction associated with an intrarenal pelvis. Performing ureterocalicostomy for PUJ repair has been suggested in...

iMEDicare's fundraiser for Disabled Living/Bladder and Bowel UK

Team iMEDicare Execs will climb the tallest mountain in Poland (Mount Rysy in the Tatra Mountains – 8,199 feet/2,499 metres), on the 27th of August 2023.

Can you boost your bladder with vitamin D?

Bladder overactivity is a common problem affecting the social functioning of children. Overactive bladder dry (OAB-dry) is a term (one not utilised by the International Children’s Continence Society) and refers to patients who are experiencing frequency, urgency and nocturia symptoms...

The urinary microbiome in IC/BPS: more complicated than we imagined

The concluding statement of this short review states, “the study of the urinary microbiome and its impact on urological disease, including IC/BPS, is in its infancy.” A lot has been said on this subject in recent years, but this, in...

Prostate cancer nurse specialist shortage: a view from the coal face

Prostate Cancer UK recently reported that there is an impending crisis for men with prostate cancer, simply because the number of nurse specialists available is insufficient for their needs [1]. Background As has been widely reported, the incidence of prostate...

Urinary incontinence in women – part 1: terminology and diagnosis

Introduction Urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary and often embarrassing leakage of urine. It is a condition that is both under-reported and under-diagnosed, and when reported it is, unfortunately, often not assessed and managed adequately. Incontinence of urine is encountered...

The scent of Ethiopia: a personal story part 2

In May/June 2016 we featured a wonderful account of Zeeshan Aslam’s first trip with Urolink to the Hawassa Referral Hospital in Ethiopia (see here). One year on we are delighted that Zeeshan has once again taken the time to provide...

The importance of assessing frailty in patients prior to radical prostatectomy

This large-scale retrospective study evaluated the short-term postoperative outcomes in patients with localised prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy (RP). Both body mass index (BMI) and Charlson comorbidity Index (CCI) are well established indicators of adverse outcomes post major surgery,...

How the COVID pandemic has shaped ongoing service delivery at ERIC, The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity

- CHARITY FOCUS - Like many organisations and charities, COVID-19 generated a rapid period of adaptation and diversification for ERIC, The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity. Their Head of Communications, Alina Lynden, explains what this meant for the organisation and...