You searched for "innovation"

720 results found

EAU Annual Congress 2024

By Arun Sharma, Urologist, West Herts NHS Teaching, Trust Watford, UK. The 2024 Annual EAU meeting was held at the Expo Porte de Versailles in Paris, the 'city of lights'. The opening ceremony was full of razzmatazz and included breath-taking...

Personal productivity tools

We live in an interconnected world that is constantly striving for a share of our attention. Smartphones, tablets and wearable computers are always by our sides, with procrastination and distractions only ever one touch away. A survey by TecMark in...

TUF Warriors – joining the fundraising fight

What is the TUF Warrior programme? The Urology Foundation (TUF) Warrior programme is designed to support core trainees, clinical fellows and foundation doctors interested in urology. It creates opportunities to develop extracurricular interests, connect with patients, boost applications for specialty...

A practical guide to success in National Selection

Gidon Ellis and Jonathan Makanjuola were both selected at National Selection in 2012 for Urological Higher Surgical Training. Both were ranked first in their respective interview rounds that year. It is no mean feat. Having read their article – their...

Imaging and Intervention in Urinary Tract Infections and Urosepsis

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are highly prevalent in the community and account for approximately 40% of hospital-acquired infections. Yet, they are often underestimated and under-diagnosed: as one chapter of this book is entitled, nothing is simple about acute pyelonephritis. This...

UTI Care – antibiotics or NSAIDs?

This is the cover story of a recent issue of the BMJ. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), antibiotic resistance is becoming a major economic and global problem. This is a randomised, double-blind study from 17 general practices in...

UTI and VUR in children with mild antenatal hydronephrosis

This paper describes a retrospective analysis of 760 (608 males, 162 females) patients identified with mild antenatal hydronephrosis (defined by an anteroposterior (AP) pelvic diameter of 7-10mm in the third trimester and persistent postnatal dilation) looking at the incidence of...

Challenging Cases in Urological Surgery: Cases With Expert Commentary (Challenging Concepts)

The authors’ intention with this book is to provide a consensus on a number of common, challenging and controversial topics in urology, which are examined from a multidisciplinary approach with insights from expert opinion and current evidence. Challenging Cases in...

William Harvey – Not All Heart!

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( I expect you will have heard of William Harvey (1578-1657) the 17th Century...

Campbell Walsh Wein Urology: 3-Volume Set (Campbell-Walsh Urology), 12th Edition

The 12th edition of the ‘Bible of Urology’ was a pleasure to review. The title has been changed to Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology to honour Dr Alan Wein’s many years of dedicated chief editorship of this famous textbook. The current editor-in-chief, Alan...

COVID-19 Useful Resources

This list will be updated as new sources of information emerge – let us know if there’s any resources we should be listing here by emailing

Deadline for SUT Registration 21st of October!

Senior Urological Trainee Day