You searched for "erection"

844 results found

Frailty in urology – part 1

Part 2 of this topic can be found here Statement of the problem Clinical frailty carries an increased risk of poor health outcomes. The pathological process resulting in frailty is often overlooked and elucidating its aetiology and natural history are...

Imaging and Intervention in Urinary Tract Infections and Urosepsis

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are highly prevalent in the community and account for approximately 40% of hospital-acquired infections. Yet, they are often underestimated and under-diagnosed: as one chapter of this book is entitled, nothing is simple about acute pyelonephritis. This...

UTI Care – antibiotics or NSAIDs?

This is the cover story of a recent issue of the BMJ. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), antibiotic resistance is becoming a major economic and global problem. This is a randomised, double-blind study from 17 general practices in...

UTI and VUR in children with mild antenatal hydronephrosis

This paper describes a retrospective analysis of 760 (608 males, 162 females) patients identified with mild antenatal hydronephrosis (defined by an anteroposterior (AP) pelvic diameter of 7-10mm in the third trimester and persistent postnatal dilation) looking at the incidence of...

I wasn’t expecting that! A series of unexpected radiology findings

Case 1 A 76-year-old diabetic man with a long-term catheter presents to the Emergency Department with rigors and non-specific abdominal pain. He has an elevated white cell count (WCC) and C-reactive protein (CRP). An abdominal and pelvic CT scan was...

EUSC (Emirates Urological Society) Conference

EUSC 2024 Scientific Committee presents to you education content from cutting-edge research to clinical best practices, the program will be curated to provide a comprehensive and enriching experience for all including Plenary Sessions, Workshops and Courses, Abstracts Sessions, Video Presentations, Live Surgery Sessions and many more.

Action Bladder Cancer UK: Understanding Bladder Cancer and the latest developments. A Nurses Education Day

This Education Day aims to provide nurses with up-to-date knowledge on bladder cancer treatments and the newest developments. Urology nurses and cancer nurses across the UK will have the opportunity to network and share their experiences and expertise. This event is also open to nurses who wish to extend their knowledge of bladder cancer and who may be working in other areas of urology or cancer care.

Read all about it Nov/Dec 2014

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

Ureterocystostomy – novel surgery for the paediatric obstructed megaureter

Megaureter is a relatively common congenital urinary tract anomaly; obstructed non-refluxing megaureter is one variant. Initial management is conservative, with operative intervention reserved for symptomatic cases (recurrent pyelonephritis, pain, increasing dilatation or worsening renal function). Surgical options include cutaneous ureterostomy,...

Campbell Walsh Wein Urology: 3-Volume Set (Campbell-Walsh Urology), 12th Edition

The 12th edition of the ‘Bible of Urology’ was a pleasure to review. The title has been changed to Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology to honour Dr Alan Wein’s many years of dedicated chief editorship of this famous textbook. The current editor-in-chief, Alan...

Intravesical glycosaminoglycan analogue instillations for recurrent cystitis

Introduction The symptoms of recurrent cystitis can be triggered by inflammatory or infective causes. Bladder pain syndrome (BPS) and bacterial recurrent lower urinary tract infection can both present with symptoms of recurrent cystitis and cause significant morbidity in affected individuals....

Radiological appearances of renal vascular anatomical variants

The purpose of this article is to explain and illustrate common renal vascular variants that can be depicted with imaging. Renal vessels commonly present a wide range of variations [1]; before major renal or vascular surgery is undertaken, accurate portrayal...