You searched for "consent"

730 results found

Patient portals

In May 2012, the Department of Health published its information strategy ‘Power of information’ which aims to put us all in control of the health and care information we need [1]. As a part of its information strategy a key...

Medical statistics for urologists: part 2 – probability and hypothesis testing

Following on from Part 1 of this series (Part 3 available here), this article aims to build on other analytical techniques commonly used within medical research, focusing on simple examples. Probability and testing Before exploring hypothesis testing, it is vital...

The bulbocavernosus reflex

Despite its first discovery predating the early-1940s, clinical application of the bulbocavernosus reflex (BCR) has been limited to date. The BCR traditionally involves contraction of the bulbo- and ischiocavernosus pelvic floor muscles, often referred to as the ‘bulbocavernosus muscle’, in...

Use of Clavien-Dindo classification in urology part 1 – pelvic surgery

There is no widely accepted system to classify postoperative complications. It is necessary to compare the outcome and complications while validating a new surgical procedure or one of the surgical approaches of a particular condition. Several parameters have long been...

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis – PSA, Biopsy and Beyond

The danger of many of the texts which deal with this rapidly changing field is that by the time the texts are published they are out of date. This book however remains fresh, in part because it acknowledges that there...

Treating Urothelial Bladder Cancer

This is a short book comprising 129 pages of text which I read in one afternoon. It provides a useful update on one of the most common malignancies encountered by urologists worldwide, which experienced urologists and trainees alike would benefit...

What are the long-term outcomes of TOT and TVT procedures?

This is a systematic review between 2000 and 2016 evaluating the efficacy and safety of midurethral sling (MUS) procedures in women. Studies were included if the follow-up data was five years or more. Objective cure rates showed no significant difference...

Renal stones: an American perspective

This study is from Dallas, USA and appears on the front cover of the BMJ. About 1 in 11 people will have a kidney stone at some point in their lifetime. There is a linear increase in stone prevalence in...

Surgical management of urethral diverticula in women

This systematic review aimed to evaluate different surgical techniques and their outcomes used for treating women with urethral diverticulae. One hundred and eight studies were identified; some of these however were single case reports (37%). As one would expect the...

Intermittent self-catheterisation

Intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC) is used in everyday practice for bladder dysfunction. This study from Southampton, UK presents a Cochrane review of different catheter designs, user satisfaction and incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI), etc. The following factors were looked at:...

Oestrogens and OAB

This is a multicentre study from Europe. The female genitals and lower urinary tract have a common embryological origin arising from urogenital sinus. Therefore, both could be sensitive to female sex steroid hormones. Oestrogens and progesterone receptors have been demonstrated...

Is surgical antibiotic prophylaxis necessary for paediatric orchiopexy?

With the rise of resistant organisms to most commonly used antibiotics, there is a plea for judicious use of antibiotics, especially for clean surgical procedures. Potential adverse events associated with antibiotic use include allergic reaction (including anaphylaxis), clostridium difficile infection,...