You searched for "innovation"

720 results found

PREDICT Prostate – individualised, evidence-based estimates of survival and treatment benefit

Earlier this year ‘PREDICT Prostate’ was launched online alongside a high-profile publication in PLOS Medicine. The prognostic model and decision-aid has been designed to inform treatment decision-making among men newly diagnosed with non-metastatic prostate cancer. David Thurtle and Vincent Gnanapragasam...

Rectal swab guided antibiotics for TRUS biopsy

This is a single centre retrospective study to examine the effect of rectal swab culture-directed prophylaxis on the incidence of prostate biopsy associated infections. Secondary objectives were to determine the rate of fluoroquinolone resistance and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production in local...

Urachal anomalies in children: surgical or conservative treatment?

Urachal anomalies are rare with an incidence of 1:5000-8000 live births. There is still some controversy as to whether to treat them expectantly or surgically with published reports describing malignant changes in adulthood. These authors describe their retrospective series of...

Is surgical antibiotic prophylaxis necessary for paediatric orchiopexy?

With the rise of resistant organisms to most commonly used antibiotics, there is a plea for judicious use of antibiotics, especially for clean surgical procedures. Potential adverse events associated with antibiotic use include allergic reaction (including anaphylaxis), clostridium difficile infection,...

Fear and frustration among women with recurrent UTIs

The risk of a women developing a urinary tract infection in her lifetime is over 50%, approximately 25% of which become recurrent (rUTIs). This study examined the viewpoints of women with rUTIs through six focus groups at a tertiary centre...

Male urethrograms

An ascending urethrogram is the best initial radiographic technique to image a male patient’s urethra and is indicated for strictures, fistulae, trauma and urethral obstruction [1]. It is quick and straightforward to perform and is performed using an 8Fr Foley...

Men with a susceptibility to prostate cancer: implications of ethnicity in PCa risk-prediction and diagnosis

The diagnostic and therapeutic landscapes of prostate cancer (PCa) have advanced at great pace in the past decade. However, disparities in access to care, clinical outcomes and representation in therapeutic, interventional and genomic studies continue to exist between Afro-Caribbean (AC)...

Optimising weight loss advice in obese women with urinary incontinence: a review

Background The National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) guidance specifies that women with a body mass index (BMI) of over 30, combined with urinary incontinence or overactive bladder, should be advised to lose weight [1]. A BMI over...

Urethral diverticulum: a review of the literature and local experience

Urethral diverticula are an uncommon finding on imaging. They are focal outpouchings of the urethra into the periurethral / urethrovaginal space, occurring more frequently in females (up to 6% of women) [1]. These diverticula are becoming more prevalent in clinical...

Paediatric urology – peno-scrotal

Case 1 A four-year-old boy presents to clinic following GP referral unable to retract the foreskin (Figure 1). Figure 1. What is the diagnosis? The above condition may be pathological or physiological; clinically how can you differentiate this? Explain the...

Read all about it Nov/Dec 2015

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

My detour – my year without a urology NTN and bouncing back

When I saw the dreaded words “Oriel: Application not matched” pop-up on my phone my heart sank. This was my second attempt at a urology national training number (NTN), and I had put my life on hold whilst preparing for...