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814 results found

William Barr Stirling and the aortogram

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( We are very lucky with the excellent and detailed imaging our radiology colleagues...

Urology around the world: India: past, present, and future

Past India has the largest population in the world, standing at 1.43 billion as of September 2023. This vast population across a huge geographical area brings unique healthcare challenges, including the full range of urologic conditions. Urology is a relatively...

Urology around the world: Myanmar

In this article the author, a urologist from Myanmar, discusses the presentation, diagnosis and management of a condition common in his country. Urethral orifice stones Urolithiasis is one of the most common urological conditions, usually involving the kidneys, ureters and...

Establishing a new TPPBx service during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 had a major impact on our hospital services from early in the pandemic, with almost three times as many patients being ventilated compared to the normal ITU capacity at the beginning of April. During the build-up to this point,...

The bilious solution of Monsieurs Calmette et Guérin

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( This month’s history story was inspired by a question from one of my...

Comedy and continence – don’t make me laugh

I’m a pelvic physiotherapist and, in a fit of temper, I wrote a comedy show about pelvic floors after having yet another woman say to me: “I’ve been leaking since my baby was born.” “How old is your baby?” “He’s...

Why bother? Metabolic screening for stone formers

Introduction Despite the considerable increase in the incidence of stone disease in the UK and elsewhere in recent years, urologists have engaged with preventative strategies to only a limited degree. With mounting evidence of the strong correlation between obesity and...

Bladder cancer – an overshadowed ‘volcano’

Bladder cancer has often been overshadowed by the limelight of prostate cancer. However, of all the urological cancers, bladder cancer is the only one which has shown a slight decline in age-standardised five-year survival rates over the last couple of...

The process of medical innovation – evolving trends and future perspectives

In 2018 the United Kingdom Government spending on healthcare totalled almost £166 billion. Of this approximately 65% was attributed to providing curative or rehabilitation therapy, with health-related long-term care and provision of goods accounting for 25%. The remaining was accredited...

Transfer to tertiary paediatric hospitals for patients with testicular torsion

Although this articles comes from a tertiary centre in Columbus, USA, there are similarities with the current controversies in the UK. The authors carried out a five-year retrospective review looking at the surgical transfer of 125 patients (mean age 13.4,...

Abiraterone plus prednisone in metastatic, castration-sensitive prostate cancer

Abiraterone acetate, the prodrug of abiraterone, blocks endogenous androgen synthesis by inhibiting cytochrome p-450c17, a critical enzyme in androgen biosynthesis. Its active D4A metabolite also has anti-tumour effects through possibly multiple mechanisms. 3-5% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer in...

Who should be taking care of the adolescent with testicular torsion?

From time to time (as paediatric surgeons), we receive referrals from regional hospitals to explore the testis in older boys. Given the time-critical nature of the condition, patients should benefit from assessment and surgery performed locally (when possible). Inter-hospital transfer...