You searched for "outpatient"

619 results found

An inconvenient truth: reflections on the NHS

“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” The above is a quote attributed to Mark Twain from the 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, which follows Al...

Penile augmentation using injectable filler

Penile size is a major topic for many men and a source of anxiety throughout history. The common belief that a large penis is necessary to impress and satisfy their sexual partners has led to the notion that ‘bigger is...

Assessment of the incidental adrenal lesion

Introduction The adrenal glands are seen on CT or MRI surrounded by fat in the peri-renal space. The right adrenal gland lies medial to the right lobe of the liver, lateral to the right crus of the diaphragm and superior...

The scent of Ethiopia: a personal story part 2

In May/June 2016 we featured a wonderful account of Zeeshan Aslam’s first trip with Urolink to the Hawassa Referral Hospital in Ethiopia (see here). One year on we are delighted that Zeeshan has once again taken the time to provide...

The surgical trainer – are we still evolving?

“We need a system and we will surely have it – which will produce not only surgeons, but surgeons of the highest type” William Halsted MD William Halsted, a famous American surgeon, is widely credited with developing the first formal...

Nocturia – the Cinderella of lower urinary tract symptoms

Nocturia is defined as waking during the night (at least once) to urinate. The important part of the definition relates to the necessity of sleep to precede the episode (although whether sleep must follow the episode is less clear). The...

Józef Dietl – more than one crisis

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( To urologists, the name Dietl is linked with the eponym of Dietl’s crisis,...

Upper tract abnormalities

Case 1 Figure 1. A 26-year-old female presents to A&E with loin pain. What do the CT images in Figures 1 (left, centre and right) show? What is the prevalence of the congenital anomaly in the general population, and is...

Robotic Urology Fellowship at UCLH

In November 2014, approaching my final year of training (ST7) in the West of Scotland (WoS) and just recently armed with my FRCS (Urol), I was at a crossroad in my clinical career. I was keen to pursue a consultant...

‘Man van’ launched to speed up cancer diagnosis and improve healthcare access

The ‘Man Van’, an innovative new outreach programme, was launched in March this year to provide free health checks for men and boost early diagnosis of prostate and other urological cancers. The mobile health clinic will visit workplaces and churches...

Trials offering cytoreductive surgery for men with de novo synchronous metastatic prostate cancer

Life expectancy in men diagnosed with de novo synchronous metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) has risen to a median of 4.8 years with upfront systemic agents (such as docetaxel) in addition to standard androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) [1-3]. Within this...

Immunotherapy in renal cancer

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the sixth most common solid organ cancer in the UK. In 2018, there were 403,262 people diagnosed worldwide with the disease (2.2% of all cancer cases), and it accounted for 175,098 deaths in total (1.8%...