You searched for "Research"

645 results found

Testicular microlithiasis

Introduction Testicular microlithiasis (TML) was originally described in 1970 in a healthy four-year-old boy [1] and the first paper regarding microlithiasis as an entity seen on ultrasound was published in 1987 [2]. Testicular microlithiasis is seen on ultrasound as small,...

Demanding cases or nightmares in uro-oncology? May/Jun 2022

Delayed diagnosis of testicular cancer Testicular cancer is considered rare in the general population but is the most common cancer affecting males between 24 and 49 years. The diagnosis of testicular cancer depends on physical examination, ultrasound findings and tumour...

Penile augmentation using injectable filler

Penile size is a major topic for many men and a source of anxiety throughout history. The common belief that a large penis is necessary to impress and satisfy their sexual partners has led to the notion that ‘bigger is...

Creating online medical videos

Equipment When starting out with creating video content it can be overwhelming ensuring you have the right technology to help you create the best content. The truth is most of us have all we need in our pocket every day....

The Mitrofanoff procedure: a continent revolution

Prior to 1980, surgeons had been struggling to provide a catheterisable, continent channel as an alternative to the native urethra, primarily for paediatric patients with congenital neuropathic bladder. In 1980, Professor Paul Mitrofanoff described the continent supravesical antireflux appendicovesicostomy [1]...

Pyonephrosis: is the kidney always doomed?

Pyonephrosis (Greek pyon ‘pus’ + nephros ‘kidney’) is defined in Campbell-Walsh Urology [1] as an infected hydro-nephrosis associated with suppurative destruction of the renal parenchyma which results in total or near total loss of renal function. The true incidence of...

Technology for remote working and COVID-19 resources

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of how we live, and how healthcare needs to be provided for the welfare of patients and staff. I thought I would try to summarise a few potential technology tools that could be...

What exactly is Hinman Syndrome?

Who was Hinman and what is Hinman Syndrome? Frank Hinman Junior (1915–2011) first described ‘Hinman syndrome’ in the 1970s – a condition also known as a ‘non-neurogenic neurogenic bladder’. He was a renowned American urologist, educator and skilful artist and...

Male infertility

Definitions Infertility is the inability of a sexually active, non-contracepting couple to achieve spontaneous pregnancy in one year [1]. About 15% of couples do not achieve pregnancy within one year and seek medical treatment for infertility. Semen parameters are standardised...

Cutting-edge or over-hyped? Evaluating the role of robotic surgery in the management of renal cell carcinoma

The quest for a minimally-invasive approach to major abdominal surgery finds its roots at the start of the previous century, when Georg Kelling first described the technique of ‘ceolioscopy’ to inspect intraabdominal organs in 1901 [1]. Since those early days,...

Consent: your obligations in the modern, post-Montgomery era

There has been so much recent discussion and so much emphasis placed on the fundamental right that we all have to determine what is or is not done to us, the right to self-determination, that it would be either a...

Radiology quiz

We are delighted to introduce something new for the Uroradiology Focus – our very own Jane Belfield has put together a urology imaging quiz with 10 cases designed to grab your interest and test your knowledge. Good luck and let...