You searched for "erection"

844 results found

Adults with myelomeningocoele: life situation and bladder and bowel management

Long-term outcome studies of patients to include what happens at transition to adulthood are rare but increasing in the literature as paediatric urologists are questioning their long-term results more deeply. These authors aimed to assess life situation and bladder and...

Is Retzius-sparing prostatectomy the way forward?

Urinary incontinence is a common complication of conventional robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP). Retzius-sparing RARP is performed through the pouch of Douglas to avoid destroying the pelvic fascia and the prostate’s anatomical structures. It has shown early favourable results in terms...

In conversation with Rebecca Porta

We were delighted to chat to Rebecca Porta, the new Chief Executive of The Urology Foundation (TUF) First of all, many congratulations on your recent appointment as Chief Executive of TUF; can you tell us a little bit about your...

What to expect when meeting a statistician

There are a growing number of statisticians working closely with medics from all specialties. They have different training but they are driven by the same goal: to perform high quality evidence-based clinical research [1,2]. In a perfect world we would...

An MA in medical education – is it for you?

I have recently completed a three-year MA in medical education at the University of Winchester, which has been an edifying experience. The following article may appeal to readers who are considering such a venture. I have been a consultant for...

Metastatic spinal cord compression – a review

Introduction Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) is an oncological emergency that, unless diagnosed early and treated appropriately, can lead to significant morbidity and mortality, including paralysis and bladder and bowel dysfunction. MSCC can be defined as spinal cord or cauda...

Mentorship and its role in surgical training

Is there a principle which could help address multiple challenges in surgical training? One which has potential to improve recruitment and retention of staff to our specialty, quality of patient care and surgeon morale? The author discusses the past present...

Retroperitoneal sepsis

Case 1 An 80-year-old woman presented with history of recurrent and recent cystitis, low grade pyrexia, abdominal and back pain, and pain on movement of the left hip which was observed to be flexed and externally rotated. What is the...

medac Pharma launch education platform, medac Academy

medac Pharma have launched a new digital education platform for UK healthcare professionals, medac Academy.

My experience of addiction

In this incredibly honest and thought-provoking article, we hear from an anonymous doctor who has struggled with addiction. The nature of addiction is a subject of interest to a broad range of scientific disciplines, from medicine to psychology, psychotherapy and...

BBS Revolution™ Bladder Scanner

Featuring a wireless scanning probe with eight ultrasound transducers for fully automatic bladder detection, BBS Revolution™ differentiates between male/female anatomy, delivering accurate measurements in seconds.

Keep patients at the heart of treatment decision

Rebecca Porta, Chief Executive of The Urology Foundation, and Chris Whitehouse, Chair of the Urology Trade Association, mark Urology Awareness Month. Rebecca Porta. Chris Whitehouse. Keep patients at the heart of treatment decision This September marked Urology Awareness Month (UAM),...