You searched for "innovation"

720 results found

Comparison of the microbiological milieu of CIC patients

Children performing clean intermittent catheterisation (CIC) have a higher risk of bacteriuria. This occasionally can lead to full urinary tract infection (UTI) which can influence long-term renal function. Hydrophilic catheters are said to be less traumatic to the urothelium and...

Intermittent self-catheterisation

Intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC) is used in everyday practice for bladder dysfunction. This study from Southampton, UK presents a Cochrane review of different catheter designs, user satisfaction and incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI), etc. The following factors were looked at:...

Non-antibiotic options for recurrent UTI

Recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) imposes a heavy burden on health services. By definition recurrent UTI is two infections in six months or three in one year. The annual incidence of single UTI is 30 per 1000 women. The Scottish...

MRU for diagnosis of paediatric ureteral stricture

Hydronephrosis is diagnosed antenatally in approximately 1-5% of all pregnancies. A rare cause is ureteral stricture, found in 4% of these cases. This study reports a series of 28 strictures diagnosed over a 10-year period by magnetic resonance urography (MRU)...

Refluxing ureteral reimplantation

Obstructed megaureters may be managed with temporising stents, cutaneous ureterostomies, or in older children with ureteral reimplantation (usually if the child is over one year of age). Cutaneous ureterostomies have risks of stomal stenosis, infection and leakage problems over nappies...

Antibiotics and flexible cystoscopy

This study is from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York, USA. Thousands of flexible cystoscopies are performed every day worldwide. Do they need antibiotic cover? Flexible cystoscopy may cause urinary tract infection (UTI) in less than 10% of cases. Asymptomatic...

Convective radiofrequency water vapour thermal therapy for BPH

There are a number of new treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) on the market. This paper reports retrospective data for 129 patients treated with convective radiofrequency water vapour thermal therapy (Rezum) by a single surgeon. There is variable length...

Urinary tract infections and antibiotics – the debate goes on

A large number of hospital patients and primary care patients suffer from recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) and urosepsis. Some of these patients end up in intensive care units with multi-organ failure. New draft guidance from the National Institute for...

Prodromal period of Fournier’s gangrene

Necrotising soft tissue infections of the genitalia (NSTIG), commonly known as Fournier’s gangrene, is a rare but important surgical emergency associated with significant morbidity and mortality. It is estimated that every six hours of delay in surgical debridement leads to...

An overview of changes to urology training

Paediatric urology training A review of paediatric emergency services in the UK involving general surgery, urology and paediatric surgery was initiated due to the problems encountered by the lack of suitable experience outside large paediatric surgical units to deliver emergency...

Comparison of PCNL under spinal versus general anaesthesia

There are several advantages of performing percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) under spinal anaesthesia including lower cost, reduced adverse effects and less tracheal tube displacement. Another advantage is that the patient remains awake throughout making positioning easier and reducing the risk of...

Relax and take note of this!

Children with neurogenic bladders are at risk of renal compromise through high detrusor pressures. Management aims to provide continence and preserve the upper tracts by increasing capacity and compliance though early clean intermittent catheterisation and anticholinergics. Intradetrusor botulinum toxin has...