You searched for "treatment"

784 results found

Surgical risk prediction

Patients presenting for urological surgery range from the young and fit to the elderly with multiple, and often significant, coexistent diseases. This latter cohort can present a significant challenge in the perioperative period, sometimes irrespective of the type of surgery....

Button vesicostomy

Poor bladder emptying often requires clean intermittent catheterisation (CIC). In significant numbers of children CIC is not possible for a variety of reasons and an alternative is needed. This paper reviews a single centre’s usage of the vesicostomy button over...

How an ergonomic design is helping women overcome barriers in ISC

Urinary incontinence, or loss of bladder control, is a frustrating problem for millions of people. Never knowing when and where one might have an accident can affect everything: from work to family and social life. It happens to both men...

The effect of COVID-19 on urology training

COVID-19 has affected all aspects of medicine. Urologists have been called upon to work in vastly different working environments including acute pan-surgical teams, intensive care and medical wards. The strategies put in place by hospital management teams vary significantly across...

In conversation with Jane Brocksom at BAUS 2019

We chat to Jane Brocksom, President of BAUN (British Association of Urological Nurses) at BAUS 2019 Click the image below to see his answers to our questions.

Do not hesitate and start using the hashtag, #UroSoMe!

In recent years, the digitisation of scientific information has been astonishing and the use of social networks has been increasing worldwide. Social networks play a fundamental role in the dissemination of information and scientific knowledge in the field of urology...

Medical journal readers

Keeping up to date with a variety of urology and medical journals can be an onerous task. Each year there is an ever-expanding number of medical journals and finding a way to sift through relevant information in medical journals and...

Developing a risk calculator to predict cancer in patients with haematuria: The IDENTIFY Study

Patients with haematuria require investigations to rule out urinary tract cancer. We know that the most common cancer found during these investigations is bladder cancer, whereas upper tract cancers such as renal cell carcinoma and upper urinary tract urothelial cancer...

‘The Rise of a Specialty’ – Exhibition at the Royal Society of Medicine

The founding of the Royal Society of Medicine’s (RSM) Urology Section 100 years ago this year was crucial to the establishment of urology as a specialty in Great Britain in its own right. To mark this anniversary, earlier this year...

OCERT: a new multi-specialty project to standardise robotic surgical training

Since its introduction by Dr William Osler in 1890 to the Board of Trustees at John Hopkins Hospital [1], the Halstedian ‘See one, do one, teach one’ has represented a guideline for surgeons worldwide, both for open and laparoscopic surgery,...

Establishing a new TPPBx service during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 had a major impact on our hospital services from early in the pandemic, with almost three times as many patients being ventilated compared to the normal ITU capacity at the beginning of April. During the build-up to this point,...

The Lister Royal College of Surgeons of England / BAUS Accredited Robotic Urological Fellowship Programme

Robotic fellowship training in the UK – overview Robotic surgery has increased in popularity since its introduction in 2003. Its validation in a growing number of operative procedures has increased its acceptance nationwide and its usage is becoming widespread. Initial...