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915 results found

SUSPEND suspended MET

This review is on the recent groundbreaking evidence on medical expulsive therapy (MET). MET using alpha adrenergic blockers (like tamsulosin) are in regular clinical practice. Even though it is an off label prescription, it is well accepted and practised world...

Penile clamp device – a new indication?

This study originates from New Zealand and looks at men affected by post-prostatectomy incontinence (PPI). These patients are difficult to manage with the options of further surgery, indwelling catheters or pads. The aim of this questionnaire study (IIQ 7) was...

Synthetic mid-urethral slings for stress incontinence in neurogenic LUTD

Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD) is heterogeneous because of the multiplicity of underlying causes and mechanisms. In women with NLUTD, stress urinary incontinence may be due to intrinsic sphincter deficiency caused by the neurological disease itself or from sphincter...

COVID-19: the impact on urology so far

“How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.” Florence Nightingale Since 31 December 2019 when a cluster of pneumonia cases with an unknown cause were first referred to the WHO Country Office in China, there has been...

Technology – Part 2

Case 1 Name the machine shown in the picture and describe how it works. What is the standard frequency of ultrasound waves in this machine? What frequency of ultrasound waves are utilised in an abdominal and scrotal ultrasound? Case 2...

Mobile e-logbook app

Maintaining a record of operations in a surgical logbook has long been part of surgical training and governance. For trainees, it is an essential part of assessments. For consultants, maintaining a logbook is not essential, however, a review of clinical...

The impact of seat belts and airbags on renal injuries and nephrectomy rate

Motor vehicle collisions (MVC) account for 3.6 million emergency department attendances and 34,000 deaths annually. The combination of lap / shoulder seat belts and airbag deployment reduces mortality by more than 80%. MCVs are responsible for 48-66% of all renal...

Demanding cases or nightmares in endourology? Nov/Dec 2017

Case 1 A 78-year-old male was transferred from a referring hospital. He had a cystectomy and ileal conduit performed 15 years previously and had recently been admitted with a clinical diagnosis of an infected obstructed kidney. The referring hospital had...

Blaedderwaerc and other names

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In the last article I said I would explore the history of something...

Demanding cases or nightmares in endourology? May/Jun 2016

In the third article in this series the authors describe their experience with the very rare indications for laparoscopic stone surgery. Case 1 A 44-year-old woman presented with several months of malaise and right flank pain. A CT scan demonstrated...

Fast Facts: Prostate Cancer

I have read this book since my SHO days, when the first edition was published in 1996, and still enjoy reading every new edition. This is a concise, pocket-sized book which is designed to provide a rapid update on what...

Buccal grafts for urethroplasty in pre-pubertal boys

Buccal mucosa graft (BMG) is often used as the primary graft in complex hypospadias surgery. It is not clear what the response of this BMG is during puberty androgen surge and whether or not differential penile growth occurs with secondary...