You searched for "data"

814 results found

Urology: a missed opportunity for medical students

For those of us lucky enough to have medical students attached to our teams at some time during their undergraduate training, the opportunity undoubtedly represents a refreshing chance to teach well-educated and enthusiastic clinicians at the very start of their...

A ‘survival guide’ to an ST3 year in urology

Following success in national selection, it soon dawns on the successful candidate that entry into higher surgical training (HST) requires more than a little clinical knowledge. The role requires administrative and organisational skills not hitherto called upon. This additional skill...

Molecular biology – bladder cancer

Background Bladder cancer is the most common cancer of the urinary tract and approximately 90% of bladder cancers diagnosed in North America and Europe are transitional cell carcinomas (TCC). For the purposes of diagnosis and treatment, bladder cancer is often...

Post-orgasmic illness syndrome

Introduction Disorders of ejaculation are a rare and poorly understood subsection of male sexual dysfunction. A paucity of evidence has hindered advances in definitions, epidemiology, pathophysiology and management. The licensing of a specific medication for premature ejaculation signalled the research...

Nocturia – the Cinderella of lower urinary tract symptoms

Nocturia is defined as waking during the night (at least once) to urinate. The important part of the definition relates to the necessity of sleep to precede the episode (although whether sleep must follow the episode is less clear). The...

Balanitis xerotica obliterans

Balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) / lichen sclerosus of the male genitalia is a common cause of acquired phimosis, and was first described by Stuhmer in 1928 [1]. It is described in medical literature as a chronic inflammatory condition of unknown...

An account of training and practice of urology in Nigeria

Nigeria is the most populous nation on the continent of Africa. Within the country, there are 33,303 general hospitals and 59 tertiary hospitals to serve a population of approximately 210 million people [1]. Specialty-based practice of urology is domiciled in...

Feeling like a fraud — imposter syndrome: what it is and what to do about it

Have you ever been plagued by feelings of incompetence despite evidence to the contrary, then this article is for you. Dr Dunay Schmulian provides insight into imposter syndrome and what to do about it. Excerpt 1 Consultant:That was excellent, and...

Suprapubic catheterisation – a core surgical trainee’s perspective

Suprapubic catheters (SPCs) are in widespread usage in medical practice and this review will focus on the pre-assessment, indications, methods and complications that are associated with the insertion of an SPC. Although suprapubic catheter insertions may be done electively or...

Read all about it Nov/Dec 2017

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

Read all about it Sep/Oct 2016

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a `cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

Read all about it Mar/Apr 2018

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...