You searched for "erection"

844 results found

Needs of children with a chronic bladder in preparation for transfer to adult care

It is well recognised that transition from paediatric to adult practice is stressful for patients and parents. This paper describes a questionnaire-based study of 80 teenagers with chronic bladder disease (spina bifida exstrophy or other acquired neurogenic bladder condition) of...

The evaluation of CT urography in the haematuria clinic

This retrospective study examined the records of 1000 patients attending a haematuria clinic over a two-year period. All patients over 40 with visible (VH) or non-visible haematuria (NVH) had a computed tomography urogram (CTU) and a flexible cystoscopy (if not...

BUS for urethral stricture

The earliest description of urethral stricture and its treatment occurred in the sixth century BC in India. A wide variety of factors can lead to stricture disease e.g. iatrogenic, urinary tract infection (UTI), sexually transmitted infections, catheters, trauma to the...

A novel approach to surgical management of the nutcracker phenomenon

The nutcracker phenomenon is defined as compression of the renal vein between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery and can present with loin pain, haematuria and a left-sided varicocele with treatment options including left renal vein transposition, superior mesenteric artery...

Advanced prostate cancer and chemotherapy

The treatment pathway for advanced prostate cancer is both puzzling and complex and varies from centre to centre in the UK. The National Prostate Cancer Audit Report 2019 for England and Wales shows that only a quarter of men with...

From nursery rhyme to science

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the BAUS Virtual Museum of the History of Urology which is part of the BAUS website ( In the last two articles I...

Figure 1 app

Figure 1 is an app that enables the sharing of medical images to aid learning. In essence, Figure 1 is an Instagram for healthcare. It was launched in 2013 and now connects a network of up to one million healthcare...

Prostate cancer nurse specialist shortage: a view from the coal face

Prostate Cancer UK recently reported that there is an impending crisis for men with prostate cancer, simply because the number of nurse specialists available is insufficient for their needs [1]. Background As has been widely reported, the incidence of prostate...

Increased use of active surveillance for men with intermediate risk prostate cancer

The optimal management of men with intermediate risk prostate cancer remains unclear and continues to be debated. The authors interrogate the US National Cancer Database for 176,122 men diagnosed with intermediate risk prostate cancer between 2010 and 2016. Of these...

EMUC19 - 11th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers

Don’t miss the great opportunity to present your innovative research or to attend the 11th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers (EMUC19) from 14-17 November 2019 in Vienna, Austria. Registration is now open. You can submit your onco-urology abstract before...

Testicular cancer (Mar 2015)

Case 1 What does the ultrasound show? What further imaging does this patient require? Which tumour markers should be checked? What is the half-life of these markers? What does an elevation in these markers mean? Case 2 What is this...

Uropathology: what’s the diagnosis?

Case 1 A 28-year-old man presented with a left testicular mass. Tumour markers were taken and he went on to have a radical inguinal orchidectomy. The specimen and histology are shown. Which testicular tumour markers were taken? What does their...