You searched for "Nephrolithiasis"

78 results found

Renal calculi composition – Hounsfield units or dual energy CT?

In this, the inaugural uro-radiology article, Jane Belfield (Section Editor) considers the significance of Hounsfield units in defining stone composition. Despite its widespread adoption and referencing in stone MDTs, there are some very clear limitations. Jane explores the potential role...

Sepsis syndrome in urology

There are approximately 100,000 cases of sepsis per year in the UK, of which 37,000 result in death (this is more than prostate cancer, breast cancer, HIV / AIDS and road traffic accidents combined). Urosepsis is defined as sepsis caused...

HIV / AIDS – implications for the urologist

“It’s no fun to have HIV even though it’s viewed as a chronic, controllable disease. It means being wedded to the health system.” - Philip Berger, Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Toronto, Canada; and leading...

Understanding Stauffer’s syndrome

Who was Stauffer and what is Stauffer’s syndrome? Maurice Stauffer (1915-1994) was a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, United States, and in 1961 first characterised the non-metastatic, paraneoplastic effects of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) on liver size and...

Meeting in the middle: a review of the rendezvous technique to treat impassable ureteric strictures and transected ureters

Introduction Complex ureteric strictures present a significant challenge with some patients undergoing multiple separate urological and radiological procedures to try to cross a stricture without success. Cross-departmental collaboration with uroradiology may allow a decrease in the number of separate interventions....

Paediatric urology: what you need to know for FRCS (Urol)

Lianne Pickett, Urology ST5 at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), and Ms Neetu Kumar, Consultant Paediatric Urological Surgeon at GOSH, provide expert insights into the key aspects of paediatric urology. Curriculum Paediatric urology contributes one of the eight stations of...