You searched for "PUV"

131 results found

A research revolution

“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” Erenesto ‘Che’ Guevara There was a time, not so long ago, when you actually had to go to a library to read...

Mentorship and its role in surgical training

Is there a principle which could help address multiple challenges in surgical training? One which has potential to improve recruitment and retention of staff to our specialty, quality of patient care and surgeon morale? The author discusses the past present...

How to ace a podium presentation: top tips

Does the thought of giving a presentation turn your legs to jelly? Would you love to share your work with your peers but can’t pluck up the courage? Then this article is for you. To help quell your nerves and...

The Re-humanising Revolution: Breaking the conspiracy of silence

Over the last few years, the mental and emotional wellbeing of those who work in medicine has come under scrutiny. The author introduces a new resource. Working in healthcare has always been stressful but never more so than today. In...

COVID-19: the impact on urology so far

“How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.” Florence Nightingale Since 31 December 2019 when a cluster of pneumonia cases with an unknown cause were first referred to the WHO Country Office in China, there has been...

Training to be a urologist: how risky is it?

The NHS and urology face challenging times in trying to provide quality patient care efficiently and economically. Urology trainees are experiencing conflicting pressures with a new contract, a challenging on-call system and changing training requirements in an overstretched, centralised service...

How do we tackle social injustice in urological cancer?

Socioeconomic status as an established determinant of health and associated injustices is well recognised. Confronting these injustices and creating a fairer healthcare system is an ongoing challenge for many governments. In Scotland, the devolved government has created the Scottish Index...

Urology around the world: India: past, present, and future

Past India has the largest population in the world, standing at 1.43 billion as of September 2023. This vast population across a huge geographical area brings unique healthcare challenges, including the full range of urologic conditions. Urology is a relatively...

A greener urology

Healthcare in England is responsible for 4-5% of the country’s carbon footprint which is defined as the amount of greenhouse gasses, primarily carbon dioxide, released into the atmosphere by a particular activity. The six greenhouse gasses which vary in their...

Urologist in the House!

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( This month, I am joined once again by Kassie Ball to discuss the...

Sir Eric Riches’s cystoscope

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In the last history article we came across Sir Henry Morris, former President...

Advanced Twitter

It has been a few years since my post on ‘Twitter for urologists’ was published in Urology News [1]. Given the continued rise of the platform, I thought it was time to revisit and expand on Twitter’s functionality. In this...