You searched for "lasers"

578 results found

Metastatic spinal cord compression – a review

Introduction Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) is an oncological emergency that, unless diagnosed early and treated appropriately, can lead to significant morbidity and mortality, including paralysis and bladder and bowel dysfunction. MSCC can be defined as spinal cord or cauda...

Urethroplasty: a review of indications, techniques and outcomes

Urethral stricture is the most common cause of lower urinary tract obstruction in men aged between 20 and 40, carrying an estimated overall prevalence of 0.5% in the UK [1] and results in around 17,000 hospital admissions annually [2]. Endoscopic...

Burnout: an increasing problem in urology

“What we mean, man,” said Chuck forcefully, “is this: how can we care for patients if nobody cares for us?” – Samuel Shem, The House of God, 1978. Samuel Shem’s (Steven Bergman, MD) satirical novel The House of God, has...

TIP hypospadias repair

This paper by one of the current international leaders in hypospadias surgery looks at the outcome of over 1800 consecutive hypospadias repairs using the tubularised incised plate (TIP) repair, beginning from the first original operation through to sequential modifications over...

What is a leadership fellowship?

What is a leadership fellowship?” This is a question that is often asked about my year out of training to undertake the National Medical Director’s (NMD) Clinical Fellow Scheme. I hope to provide an insight into what a fellowship in...

Seminal vesicle calculi

Epidemiology Seminal vesicle calculi are uncommon with just over 100 cases being reported in the literature, although the true incidence is likely to be higher [1-9]. Patients usually present aged between 30 and 45 years old and although the pathogenesis...

The impact of FGM on the genitourinary system: a 2021 perspective

Awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) in European countries has increased over recent decades as a result of globalisation and migration of populations. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes FGM as procedures that involve partial or total removal of the...

Management of calyceal diverticular stones using ultramini PCNL

Calyceal diverticulae are congenital smooth-walled, non-secretory urothelium-lined cavities within the renal parenchyma that communicate with calyceal fornix through a diverticular neck. They were first described by Rayer in Traitements des maladies des reins [1]. Calculi occur in approximately 9.5% to...

The expanding indications for ureteroscopy – ad maiora!

The management of urolithiasis is becoming a Herculean task for healthcare providers worldwide. The incidence of stone disease is rising, with predicted lifetime risk of 12% in males and 6% in females [1]. This rise relates to both improving imaging...

What are the long-term outcomes of TOT and TVT procedures?

This is a systematic review between 2000 and 2016 evaluating the efficacy and safety of midurethral sling (MUS) procedures in women. Studies were included if the follow-up data was five years or more. Objective cure rates showed no significant difference...

Long-term bladder drainage: blessing or disaster in disguise

Chronic bladder dysfunction occurs in many neurologic disorders e.g. multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, etc. Suprapubic catheters (SPC) are inserted every day and every urology department has a pool of ‘difficult’ patients who keep coming back. This paper compares SPCs...

Urethral sphincter function before and after radical prostatectomy

This paper from Holland will be useful for urologists involved in radical prostatectomy (RP) for cancer of the prostate. It presents a PubMed search between 1980 and 2012. Twenty-five out of 124 articles were further analysed, mainly English-language papers. Several...