You searched for "information"

915 results found

Risk factors for BC after minimally invasive RNU

Bladder cancer (BC) after radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) has an approximate incidence of 20-50%. This contemporary multicentre study will inform the ongoing debate on risk factors for BC after minimally invasive RNU and how it may be prevented. Three hundred and...

What did the Romans ever do for us?

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( Previously in this column, I told you about the Saxons and how they...

Underactive Bladder

This book is an excellent update on the concept of the underactive bladder. The authors and editors led by Chris Chapple address some of the controversies surrounding definitions, diagnosis and treatment. The International Continence Society (ICS) currently defines detrusor overactivity...

What are the long-term outcomes of TOT and TVT procedures?

This is a systematic review between 2000 and 2016 evaluating the efficacy and safety of midurethral sling (MUS) procedures in women. Studies were included if the follow-up data was five years or more. Objective cure rates showed no significant difference...

The role of acupuncture in managing overactive bladder

Overactive bladder (OAB) affects 17% of American men and women and represents a burden in terms of both quality of life and finances. Alternative therapies may be sought for this condition as there is a high drop-out rate with regards...

Mindfulness-based stress reduction as a novel treatment for IC/PBS

Interstitial cystitis / painful bladder syndrome (IC / PBS) is not fully understood and is associated with significant morbidity. The objective of this study was to provide initial data to evaluate mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) as a treatment for IC...

Renal fossa recurrence after nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma

This paper is an analysis of 36 years of radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma in the Mayo Clinic (1970-2006). In particular, it contains an analysis of the risk of renal fossa recurrence after nephrectomy (partial nephrectomies are not included)...

Should maximal urethral closure pressure be performed before mid-urethral sling surgery for stress incontinence?

Maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP) is a means of trying to provide an objective assessment of urethral integrity. In some centres it is used as a tool to help predict outcomes after mid-urethral sling (MUS) placement. The authors propose that...

Tolerability and persistence in women prescribed mirabegron

Mirabegron is a beta-3 agonist used in the treatment of overactive bladder (OAB). Trials have shown reduced side-effects but equal efficacy when compared to anticholinergics. The authors wished to examine patients’ persistence with treatment, in a non-trial setting, over a...

Do complementary therapies work in painful bladder syndrome?

The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of complementary therapies in the treatment of bladder pain syndrome. An electronic search identified 1454 articles; however, after review by two independent reviewers, this was reduced to 11 articles...

Surgical management of urethral diverticula in women

This systematic review aimed to evaluate different surgical techniques and their outcomes used for treating women with urethral diverticulae. One hundred and eight studies were identified; some of these however were single case reports (37%). As one would expect the...

Do adult men with untreated ventral penile curvature have adverse outcomes?

The history of ventral penile curvature if untreated in childhood is not known. The authors tried to assess this by performing an online survey of adults who had untreated ventral penile curvature using a Facebook advertised survey. Their outcome measures...