You searched for "PUV"

131 results found

Patient portals

In May 2012, the Department of Health published its information strategy ‘Power of information’ which aims to put us all in control of the health and care information we need [1]. As a part of its information strategy a key...

In conversation with Nadine Coull

We were delighted to chat to Nadine Coull, the new President of the Royal Society of Medicine Section of Urology about her career so far and aims for the year ahead. Can you tell us a little bit about what...

In conversation with Neil Harvey

We were delighted to catch up with Neil Harvey, Chair of the BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT) about his life as a trainee urologist and his plans for the association. Can you tell us a little bit about what led...

Demanding cases or nightmares in uro-oncology? Sep/Oct 2021

Active surveillance for prostate cancer: missing the boat Case In 2005 a 43-year-old man of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity was referred to our centre for investigation of suspected prostate cancer. Digital rectal exam revealed a firm right lobe, PSA of 2.3ng/ml, prostate...

Demanding cases or nightmares in endourology? Sep/Oct 2015

One of the most interesting aspects of attending international meetings is the rare but invaluable, honest presentation of complex cases. We aim to present the readers with some complex and challenging ongoing cases in endourology. Case 1 A general practitioner...

SMILE: sustaining medical education in a lockdown environment

2020 posed challenges to medical education like never seen before. In an effort to contain and slow the spread of coronavirus all UK medical schools ceased or reduced face-to-face contact. This sudden, and for many, unexpected change resulted in pressures...

How to organise a urology taster week as a foundation trainee

Current exposure to urology in medical undergraduate curriculums is relatively sparse in comparison to the other surgical specialties with one study reporting just 42% of students having a compulsory attachment. These attachments were an average length of just one week...

#DontPayToStay Campaign – how one urology trainee led a successful campaign to eliminate charges for non-resident on call accommodation across England

The 2016 terms and conditions of service (junior doctor contract) introduced the following clause: 11. Where a doctor is rostered to work on a non-resident on-call working pattern and the doctor elects voluntarily, subject to the availability of accommodation, to...

European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP)

The EAU’s 12th European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP) was held from 5-10 September 2014. We were fortunate to attend as part of a small contingent of UK urology registrars who had applied and been selected to attend. The programme...

How the COVID pandemic has shaped ongoing service delivery at ERIC, The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity

- CHARITY FOCUS - Like many organisations and charities, COVID-19 generated a rapid period of adaptation and diversification for ERIC, The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity. Their Head of Communications, Alina Lynden, explains what this meant for the organisation and...

COVID-19 cuts prostate cancer referrals in half

Charity warns that 3500 men risk being diagnosed with incurable cancer as referrals drop to lowest in 10 years Urgent referrals for urological cancers have dropped by half in England (49.5%) compared to the same period last year as the...

A practical guide to success in National Selection

Gidon Ellis and Jonathan Makanjuola were both selected at National Selection in 2012 for Urological Higher Surgical Training. Both were ranked first in their respective interview rounds that year. It is no mean feat. Having read their article – their...