You searched for "testes"

225 results found

Surgeons take to the saddle for ninth annual Bike4TUF fundraiser

This year marks the ninth annual Bike4TUF challenge, which has raised in excess of £300,000 since 2012’s inaugural ride.

Is robotic pyeloplasty in the under-ones as good as open repair?

Pelviureteric junction obstruction (PUJO) is a common cause of paediatric hydronephrosis. Indications for intervention include reduced renal function (<40%), symptoms (urinary tract infection or pain) and increasing dilatation. Although the Anderson-Hynes open pyeloplasty (OP) has long been the gold standard...

Model to predict malignancy among Bosniak III cysts

This retrospective study over a 15-year period is to identify independent predictors of malignancy in Bosniak III (BIII) renal lesions and to build a prediction model based on identifiable clinical variables. These cysts, characterised by contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT), have...

So you want to be a urologist?

Urology is a varied, innovative and friendly speciality and it is easy to see why so many people are attracted to it. The article below is designed to help all doctors wishing to apply for an ST3 post get the...

Delivering a trainee-led Urolink educational programme – my experience in Tanzania

In May 2023, I travelled to Moshi, Tanzania, where I visited Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) – a trip which was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) Urolink and with the support...

Importance of PSA variation – an analysis of PLCO trial data

This study looks specifically at the group of patients in the intervention arm of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening trial (PLCO), to investigate variations in prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. They have specifically included only patients who...

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis – PSA, Biopsy and Beyond

The danger of many of the texts which deal with this rapidly changing field is that by the time the texts are published they are out of date. This book however remains fresh, in part because it acknowledges that there...

An account of training and practice of urology in Nigeria

Nigeria is the most populous nation on the continent of Africa. Within the country, there are 33,303 general hospitals and 59 tertiary hospitals to serve a population of approximately 210 million people [1]. Specialty-based practice of urology is domiciled in...

Underactive Bladder

This book is an excellent update on the concept of the underactive bladder. The authors and editors led by Chris Chapple address some of the controversies surrounding definitions, diagnosis and treatment. The International Continence Society (ICS) currently defines detrusor overactivity...

Renal stones: an American perspective

This study is from Dallas, USA and appears on the front cover of the BMJ. About 1 in 11 people will have a kidney stone at some point in their lifetime. There is a linear increase in stone prevalence in...

In conversation with Professor Christopher Chapple

Professor Christopher Chappel. Prof Chapple, thank you for taking the time to chat with the Urology News team. Can we start by asking about your background and how you ended up in the field of urology? Early in my career...

Genital gender affirmation surgery for transgender men

Genital gender affirmation surgery (GAS) is the final step in the transition journey for transgender men. Genital GAS involves a combination of procedures to surgically align physical characteristics with one’s gender identity. These needs change between each individual depending on...