You searched for "stone"

1195 results found

Endourology Academy – a modern-day solution to modern-day training

In 2021, as a core trainee in urology, I found myself facing challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, which led to limited theatre times for surgical exposure. Trying to grasp the basics of surgery with such restricted operative experience was...

LogixX Fertility product range expanded

LogixX Fertility (a division of LogixX Pharma Ltd) specialise in commercialising Fertility and Sexual Health Products and has recently expanded its portfolio to bring new diagnostics...

Help to handle increased volumes of urethral catheterisations safely

With urethral catheterisation volumes currently considerably increased, we are pleased to be able to announce that NHS Supply Chain is now listing the...

The Kennedy Report

Context The death of George Floyd at the hands of racist driven police brutality in May 2020 shook the world into a period of civil unrest and active demonstration against unacceptable discrimination displayed by people of authority. The Black Lives...

What is a leadership fellowship?

What is a leadership fellowship?” This is a question that is often asked about my year out of training to undertake the National Medical Director’s (NMD) Clinical Fellow Scheme. I hope to provide an insight into what a fellowship in...

Discovering urology during the foundation programme

My journey to finding urology as a chosen career was not linear. During medical school, I always enjoyed studying urological and renal pathologies. I was exposed to one week of urology placement during my fourth year ‘surgical block’, where I...

My experience of addiction

In this incredibly honest and thought-provoking article, we hear from an anonymous doctor who has struggled with addiction. The nature of addiction is a subject of interest to a broad range of scientific disciplines, from medicine to psychology, psychotherapy and...

Giggle incontinence – not a laughing matter!

For many decades, the condition of giggle incontinence (enuresis risoria, giggle micturition) has remained a rare and poorly understood condition. Patients (90% female) present in their teens, with the history revealing an issue for many years. It is debilitating and...

A Revolution in your hands: Wellspect launch innovative new female catheter

Wellspect have been innovators in catheterisation since developing the world’s first hydrophilic catheter. Now the Swedish company look to revolutionise the way women learn and perform intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC).

Viveca Biomed acquires Contrelle Activgard – European market launch imminent!

Viveca Biomed is pleased to announce the imminent relaunch of Contrelle Activgard across Europe, starting with the UK market.

Femeda commence innovative real world clinical trial for Pelviva

A major 330 patient randomised ‘real world’ clinical trial has commenced for Pelviva in conjunction with the University of Manchester and South Manchester GP federation. The trial will compare Pelviva against...

MOWOOT II Intestinal Transit Management System

MOWOOT II is an intermittent colonic exo-peristaltic therapy system for intestinal transit disorders, such as slow transit constipation. MOWOOT II utilises advanced pneumatic technology to treat and prevent chronic constipation without laxatives, enemas...