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163 results found

COVID-19: the impact on urology so far

“How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.” Florence Nightingale Since 31 December 2019 when a cluster of pneumonia cases with an unknown cause were first referred to the WHO Country Office in China, there has been...

COVID-19 Message from the editor May 2020

It is difficult to write about the crisis the world is facing at the moment without using superlatives or being too stark about the scale of the greatest-ever challenge that we all face at the moment. These are unprecedented times...

Improving on the Rotterdam Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator

Following the PROMIS trial [1], many cancer centres in the UK are now offering pre-biopsy multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) for men suitable for radical treatment. The European Association of Urology for Prostate Cancer (PCa) guidelines recommend individual risk stratification before the...

Technology for remote working and COVID-19 resources

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of how we live, and how healthcare needs to be provided for the welfare of patients and staff. I thought I would try to summarise a few potential technology tools that could be...

Online urology teaching

The COVID-19 crisis continues to disrupt our traditional models of teaching. Urological emergencies account for 20% of all acute surgical admissions and 5-10% of general practitioner visits [1]. Currently in the UK, undergraduate teaching on urology is not compulsory. Fewer...

Urethral pathology

Case 1 A 43-year-old lady presents with urinary incontinence and vaginal pain associated with intercourse. An initial CT scan is performed. Case courtesy of Radswiki,, rID: 12056. Case courtesy of Radswiki,, rID: 12056 What is the clinical diagnosis...

Urinary tract stones

Case 1 What does this plain X-ray of kidneys, ureters and bladder (KUB) show? What, according to the 2009 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines, is the most appropriate first-line treatment? What factors do the NICE...

FRCS – the long way round

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( This month I am joined by my friend and fellow member of the...

Upper urinary tract urothelial cell carcinoma

Case 1 A 64-year-old man presents to the haematuria clinic with visible haematuria, on a background of a 40 pack-year smoking history and family history of bowel cancer in his sister at the age of 48. A CT was performed...

USANZ Trainee Week 2022 – a trip down under

The BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT) opened applications for two senior UK urology trainees to be sponsored to attend the annual Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ) Trainee Week, in Melbourne. The week is held in November each...

The medical management of LUTS/BPH – an update

For many years it has been recognised by both medical professionals and the general public that the development of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is highly prevalent and is predominantly age-dependent. Medical professionals understand that in men this is often,...

Ketamine uropathy – an update

The first two case series that documented the association between urinary tract damage and recreational ketamine use were published 12 years ago [1,2]. Since then ketamine has maintained a controversial profile as an essential medication of expanding utility but with...