You searched for "MDT"

128 results found

Urology in the Ancient Arab World

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( For May/June, urology trainee Bushra Abdelqader is helping me to delve into that...

In conversation with Jo Cresswell

We were delighted to catch up with Jo Cresswell, Vice-President of BAUS, about her career highlights and views on urology in general. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of urology and what...

The Urology Foundation

The Urology Foundation (TUF) is the only charity in the United Kingdom that raises money for research into all types of urological disease. Our ultimate aim as a charity is to discover the causes of urology cancers and conditions, to...

How to set up and run a cadaveric dissection course

Conducting and implementing a cadaveric dissection course requires careful planning. Rachel Edmiston, Rajesh Anmolsingh, Omar Mirza and Nirmal Kumar offer a guide to individuals highlighting the licensing and legal processes involved with the use, preservation and disposal of cadavers in...

How to organise a urology taster week as a foundation trainee

Current exposure to urology in medical undergraduate curriculums is relatively sparse in comparison to the other surgical specialties with one study reporting just 42% of students having a compulsory attachment. These attachments were an average length of just one week...

Early British pioneers of urological imaging

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( In this article I am joined by Gavin Gordon of Newcastle University whose...

The BSoT buddy scheme at BAUS 2023: a new initiative for fostering international relationships

The BSoT committee at BAUS, many of whom where involved with the inaugural buddy scheme. The buddy background By Nicholas Boxall, Specialty Registrar, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Immediate Past Chair of BSoT. The BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT)...

The role of an enhanced recovery protocol in patients undergoing robotic radical cystectomy

Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols are patient pathways designed to reduce surgical stress and accelerate postoperative recovery. Uptake of such protocols in colorectal surgery in particular has been high, however ERAS protocols developed or utilised in urological surgery have...

Delivering a trainee-led Urolink educational programme – my experience in Tanzania

In May 2023, I travelled to Moshi, Tanzania, where I visited Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) – a trip which was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) Urolink and with the support...

The bilious solution of Monsieurs Calmette et Guérin

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( This month’s history story was inspired by a question from one of my...

What’s in a name?

Kate Granger is a doctor and the founder of the #hellomynameis campaign; she is also a cancer patient. In this article she explains why she started the campaign, and why patient-centred care starts with an introduction. Chris and me the...

The Lester Eshleman Urology Workshop (Tanzania): a trainee’s perspective

For many trainees a period abroad is increasingly an essential supplement to higher surgical training in the UK. However, for many, because of family responsibilities or financial imperatives, this is not always a viable option. There are however alternatives. Here...