You searched for "PUV"

131 results found

Comedy and continence – don’t make me laugh

I’m a pelvic physiotherapist and, in a fit of temper, I wrote a comedy show about pelvic floors after having yet another woman say to me: “I’ve been leaking since my baby was born.” “How old is your baby?” “He’s...

The effect of COVID-19 on urology training

COVID-19 has affected all aspects of medicine. Urologists have been called upon to work in vastly different working environments including acute pan-surgical teams, intensive care and medical wards. The strategies put in place by hospital management teams vary significantly across...

Robotic assisted perineal prostatectomy: descriptive technique of the inaugural case in the UK

Robotic surgery has taken full flight in the USA since its start in 2000 [1] and is replacing procedures where open surgical techniques were solely employed. While this technology is met with criticism over the costs, the superiority of robotic...

The surgical trainer – are we still evolving?

“We need a system and we will surely have it – which will produce not only surgeons, but surgeons of the highest type” William Halsted MD William Halsted, a famous American surgeon, is widely credited with developing the first formal...

The pioneer women in British urology

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( This month, I am joined by Kassie Ball, a urology trainee, who approached...

Feeling like a fraud — imposter syndrome: what it is and what to do about it

Have you ever been plagued by feelings of incompetence despite evidence to the contrary, then this article is for you. Dr Dunay Schmulian provides insight into imposter syndrome and what to do about it. Excerpt 1 Consultant:That was excellent, and...

SURG and BAUS: United Strength is Stronger

Tuesday 26 June 2018, SURG Session, BAUS Annual Conference, Liverpool After a busy day of posters, keynote speakers, e-poster sessions and a resounding victory for the SURG team over the consultants in Urology University Challenge, came the SURG meeting. An...

Robotic Urology Fellowship at UCLH

In November 2014, approaching my final year of training (ST7) in the West of Scotland (WoS) and just recently armed with my FRCS (Urol), I was at a crossroad in my clinical career. I was keen to pursue a consultant...

The 10 commandments of laparoscopic urology

Laparoscopic urologic procedures continue to attract the interest of trainees, consultants and the public, and the demand for training is on the increase [1,2,3]. The vast majority of laparoscopic procedures are laparoscopic nephrectomies and this is certainly the most common...

The final hurdle: the consultant interview

The consultant interview is undoubtedly the most important exam you’ll ever sit; but curiously even the best and most motivated trainee becomes somewhat fatalistic when approaching this, the most important of all hurdles. Gone are the days when deals were...

Prostate cancer: Black men more likely to be diagnosed at later stages

Latest data shows Black men have higher rates of stage 3 or stage 4 prostate cancer diagnoses compared with white men. Black men diagnosed at a later stage in their 60s are 14% less likely to get NICE approved treatment...

Pushing the boundaries of urological research with trainee-led collaboration in the BURST Research Collaborative

Background: the concept of trainee-led research Over the past five years a novel and exciting collaborative approach to delivering research has been developed in the UK. Trainee-led regional and national research networks have been introduced, with the greatest success seen...