You searched for "testes"

225 results found

OCERT: a new multi-specialty project to standardise robotic surgical training

Since its introduction by Dr William Osler in 1890 to the Board of Trustees at John Hopkins Hospital [1], the Halstedian ‘See one, do one, teach one’ has represented a guideline for surgeons worldwide, both for open and laparoscopic surgery,...

Post-orgasmic illness syndrome

Introduction Disorders of ejaculation are a rare and poorly understood subsection of male sexual dysfunction. A paucity of evidence has hindered advances in definitions, epidemiology, pathophysiology and management. The licensing of a specific medication for premature ejaculation signalled the research...

Challenges in urology during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a trainee perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected urological practice in many ways and at all levels. Social media has been set alight with the hashtag #NoTrainingTodayNoSurgeonsTomorrow highlighting the undesired consequences of the reduction in training opportunities. The impact has been considered by...

Urology: a missed opportunity for medical students

For those of us lucky enough to have medical students attached to our teams at some time during their undergraduate training, the opportunity undoubtedly represents a refreshing chance to teach well-educated and enthusiastic clinicians at the very start of their...

Ambulatory local anaesthetic implantation of percutaneous sacral nerve stimulators

Background The current treatment paradigm for detrusor overactivity (DO) and dysfunctional voiding (DV) includes conservative measures, pharmacotherapy, intravesical onabotulinum toxin A (Botox®), sacral nerve modulation (SNM / SNS) and urinary diversion as a last resort [1]. Incidence of DO is...

New techniques in UTI diagnosis

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common reason for seeking medical care in both primary and secondary settings. Half of women will have at least one episode of cystitis in their lifetime, and a third of them will have experienced...

Smith’s Textbook of Endourology (3rd Edition)

Without doubt this represents the endourological bible for the urological fraternity and unquestionably reflects a labour of love for its authors. At approximately 1900 pages it is no pocket book of modern urology, and whilst clearly encyclopaedic in its content,...

Challenging Cases in Urological Surgery: Cases With Expert Commentary (Challenging Concepts)

The authors’ intention with this book is to provide a consensus on a number of common, challenging and controversial topics in urology, which are examined from a multidisciplinary approach with insights from expert opinion and current evidence. Challenging Cases in...

COVID-19 and acute kidney injury

Newspapers and online media are full of the effects of the coronavirus on airways and olfactory functions and the importance of respiratory physicians (pulmonologists in the USA), ventilators and intensive care teams. However, as per the Intensive Care National Audit...

Beware of the ambiguous testicular lump

In busy day-to-day practice, we are often faced with puzzling situations. A useful mnemonic is 4-T: torsion, trauma, tumour and tuberculosis (infections). This case review in the BMJ is about a 34-year-old man presenting to A&E with left testicular pain...

The risk of tumour recurrence in patients undergoing renal transplantation for end-stage renal disease

End stage renal disease (ESRD) patients in need of a kidney transplant who have a previous history of urological cancer should undergo a cancer-free waiting period before receiving a kidney transplant. Currently the recommended waiting time is based on the...