You searched for "PUV"

131 results found

Can we make LATE-presenting posterior urethral valves an EARLIER-treated condition?

What are posterior urethral valves? Posterior urethral valve (PUV) is the most common cause of congenital bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) and renal failure in male children. They were first described by the Italian anatomist Giovanni Battista Morgagni back in the...

Pre-transplant management of valve bladder

This paper examines the evidence concerning the timing, indications and problems associated with augmentation cystoplasty (AC), posterior urethral valves (PUV), and end stage renal failure (ESRF) using a literature review via Medline, Cochrane library and LILACS databases. Two search strategies...

Long-term consequences of posterior urethral valves

These two papers give a very good summary of the long-term effects of posterior urethral valves (PUV) into adulthood and are worth a read. Pereira et al. It is well known that the consequences of posterior urethral valves extend well...

Paediatric urology: what you need to know for FRCS (Urol)

Lianne Pickett, Urology ST5 at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), and Ms Neetu Kumar, Consultant Paediatric Urological Surgeon at GOSH, provide expert insights into the key aspects of paediatric urology. Curriculum Paediatric urology contributes one of the eight stations of...

Prostatic urethral lift provides good alternative to TURP for men with LUTS

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to prostatic enlargement resulting in bladder outflow obstruction are common. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) remains the gold standard in operative management, however it is not without its risks. In this multicentre European...

RSM Paediatric Urology Meeting and Presidential Address 2023

The academic year of the Urological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) started with a bang in October last year with the Paediatric Urology meeting, co-organised by Shabnam Undre (Paediatric Representative for BAUS and Consultant Paediatric Urologist East...

Pacemakers in the upper urinary tract

This is an interesting study from Italy. The mechanism by which urine is transported from the kidney to the bladder via the upper urinary tract (UUT) remains poorly understood and elusive. For many years, pyeloureteric rhythmicity is thought to arise...

Robot-assisted ureterocalicostomy

Ureterocalicostomy was first introduced by Neuwirt (1947) and further described by Jameson et al. (1957) as an alternative procedure for repair of pelviureteric junction (PUJ) obstruction associated with an intrarenal pelvis. Performing ureterocalicostomy for PUJ repair has been suggested in...

Surgical treatment of LUTS secondary to BPH

For the vast majority of patients an initial trial of medical therapy for the management of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is indicated [1]. In a substantial minority of cases however, a surgical intervention...

Prostatic urethral lift for obstructive median lobes: 12-month results of the MedLift study

As the various new BPH therapies try and mark out their role in the management of the condition, this is an interesting and useful addition to the literature. Patients were clinically screened for an obstructive median lobe on cystoscopy, which...

Lower pole vessels in children with PUJO: laparoscopic vascular hitch or dismembered pyeloplasty?

A crossing vessel accompanying pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO) occurs in 25-50% of cases. The Hellstrom vascular hitch procedure was first described in 1951 and has regained popularity since 2003 in the era of laparoscopic surgery as it negates the need...

Demanding cases or nightmares in endourology? Sep/Oct 2016

In this issue the authors will present once in a career cases that can truly haunt a urologist. “Mistakes are like bad loves, the more you learn from them, the more you wish they’d never happened. “ Gregory David Roberts*...