You searched for "innovation"

720 results found

TUF Innovation and Research Fund

Since The Urology Foundation (TUF) was founded 26 years ago the charity has been at the heart of the step change in the treatment and care for urology patients. Building on past achievements, TUF are continuing to develop programmes and...

The process of medical innovation – evolving trends and future perspectives

In 2018 the United Kingdom Government spending on healthcare totalled almost £166 billion. Of this approximately 65% was attributed to providing curative or rehabilitation therapy, with health-related long-term care and provision of goods accounting for 25%. The remaining was accredited...

EAU (European Association of Urology) Talent Incubator Programme: Policy & Innovation

The randomised controlled trial (RCT) will remain one of the most important methods for medical advancements. A solid framework, an extensive network and financial resources are key factors in the success of a trial. In this module of the Talent Incubator Programme, we will address the practical side of conducting research and trials with support from policy experts, industry representatives and patient advocates

An Illustrated Guide to Pediatric Urology

This new illustrated guide (published 2017) provides a comprehensive coverage of the field of paediatric urology. There are 31 chapters. Written in bullet point form, it contains a wealth of information for urologists, specialty trainees and others (e.g. urological nurses)....

Innovations in urology – OOPE for trainees

“Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat” – Steve Jobs [1] The world is changing rapidly. Healthcare has seen a fast reform, especially as a consequence of COVID-19. Urology is a rapidly evolving...

BSUG (British Society of Urogynaecology) Annual Scientific Update in Urogynaecology

This event will combine the latest updates and innovations in current and emerging issues in urogynaecology. This hybrid event is an excellent opportunity for healthcare professionals with an interest in urogynaecology to improve their skills, hear current practice dilemmas and how to manage patients with specific urogynaecological conditions.

Mechanisms and prevention of catheterisation associated urethral injury (CAUI)

Urethral catheterisation is a common procedure performed by health professionals across different grades and specialties in a variety of clinical settings. An estimated 15-25% of hospitalised patients have a urinary catheter inserted during their inpatient stay and up to 13%...

Keep patients at the heart of treatment decision

Rebecca Porta, Chief Executive of The Urology Foundation, and Chris Whitehouse, Chair of the Urology Trade Association, mark Urology Awareness Month. Rebecca Porta. Chris Whitehouse. Keep patients at the heart of treatment decision This September marked Urology Awareness Month (UAM),...

Surgical video – part 2: Tips on how to edit and create a finished surgical video for teaching or publication

A well-made and informative video can be one of the most valuable promotional tools for a department of urology. Having to resort to an external commercial source to produce a video can be prohibitively expensive. With the extensive computing power...

Femeda commence innovative real world clinical trial for Pelviva

A major 330 patient randomised ‘real world’ clinical trial has commenced for Pelviva in conjunction with the University of Manchester and South Manchester GP federation. The trial will compare Pelviva against...

Indication to pelvic lymph nodes dissection for prostate cancer

This paper explored the role of multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) in predicting the likelihood of lymph node invasion in patients with a risk of <5% according to the Briganti nomogram. Three hundred and ten patients who underwent a preoperative mpMRI and...