You searched for "ultrasound"

204 results found

Bladder debris on ultrasound as a predictor for positive urine culture

One of the common ultrasound findings in children who undergo renal tract evaluation is ‘debris in the bladder’. The aetiology of bladder debris is varied and the likelihood that urinary debris represents positive urine culture is debatable. The authors of...

Percutaneous ultrasound guided endoscopic lavage of perinephric abscess – different, but not necessarily better

Perinephric abscess is an uncommon but serious form of urosepsis. It develops as a consequence of the extension of an infection outside of the parenchyma of the kidney in acute pyelonephritis, or more rarely from haematogeneous spread of an infection...

Does stable or decreasing hydronephrosis on ultrasound lead to stable or improved function on diuretic renography?

Antenatal hydronephrosis is noted in approximately 1% of all pregnancies. Persistent renal obstruction may lead to progressive loss of renal function. Renal ultrasound (USS) is the preferred modality for diagnosis and monitoring of paediatric hydronephrosis as it is non-invasive, non-ionising,...

New UroShield - UltraSound Technology Catheter Care

Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), are common in those with long-term indwelling urethral and suprapubic catheters. Frequent catheter changes, blockages, antibiotics, hospitalisation, and nursing time can all be reduced with UroShield – emitting low frequency acoustic ultrasound to prevent...

Urology Ultrasound Course 2019

School of Medical Ultrasound, AECC University College, Bournemouth We aim to train appropriate healthcare professionals in the safe and accurate acquisition of ultrasound images. A team of team of experts will help you interpret ultrasound images and how they correlate...

RALPN (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy) Ultrasound Course

Course Directors: Mr Omer Karim, Consultant UrologistMr Lemke Solomon, Consultant Urologist This unique one-day training course combines live surgery robotic-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (RALPN) procedures with intraoperative ultrasound imaging. Aimed at consultants wishing to develop their expertise and improve surgical...

Testicular microlithiasis

Introduction Testicular microlithiasis (TML) was originally described in 1970 in a healthy four-year-old boy [1] and the first paper regarding microlithiasis as an entity seen on ultrasound was published in 1987 [2]. Testicular microlithiasis is seen on ultrasound as small,...

Imaging of varicoceles

A varicocele is a collection of dilated, tortuous spermatic veins of the pampiniform venous plexus. It is seen in 10-15% of the general population and is associated with both primary and secondary infertility. A varicocele is the most common cause...

EMA Hands-on Training PCNL & URS

In an exclusive lab environment, EMS provides various training models to practice fluoroscopic percutaneous renal access and advanced techniques, such as triangulation and ultrasound-guided access.

Testicular masses – can the testis be spared?

The standard practice for testicular masses confirmed on ultrasound has been to offer an inguinal orchidectomy, on the presumption that the mass represents testicular cancer. The growing use of scrotal ultrasound for various indications has led to an increase in...

KOELIS Trinity® - Accuracy in prostate care

KOELIS Trinity® is a fully integrated mobile fusion imaging platform designed for personalised prostate care. Uniquely equipped with 3D ultrasound probes and KOELIS® patented Organ-Based Tracking Fusion® technology, KOELIS Trinity® brings maximum...