Functional Urology Issue II

From the Editor - by Nikesh Thiruchelvam
What’s new in neuromodulation for urological practice? - by Alejandro Mercado-Campero and Mahreen Pakzad
Overview of the assessment and management of male stress
incontinence for the general urologist - by Husay Janebdar, Felicity Reeves and Suzanne Biers
An update on the utility of urodynamics in functional urology - by Beatrice Bouchard and Hashim Hashim
What is the evidence base for robotic reconstructive urology? - by Kalpesh Parmar and Arjun Nambiar

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Prostate Cancer Issue II

From the Editor - by Hashim U Ahmed
Key questions in prostate cancer diagnosis - can we move the dial further? - by Nikhil Mayor, Taimur T Shah, Hashim U Ahmed.
Improving the overall therapeutic ratio in patients with localised prostate cancer? - by Alexander Light, Mathias Winkler, Taimur T Shah, Hashim U Ahmed.
How can we improve survival in patients with advanced prostate cancer? - by Martin Connor, Taimur Shah, Rakesh Heer, Mathias Winkler, Hashim U Ahmed.
What does the future hold for screening for prostate cancer? - by David Eldred-Evans, Hashim U Ahmed.

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Continence Care Issue I

From the Editor - by Angie Rantall
The developing and advancing roles in continence care - by Angie Rantell.
The evolution of healthcae professional education in advanced practice within pelvic health: meeting emerging needs - by Lucia Berry.
How to develop a new specialist medwifery role to meet the needs of a local population - by Paula Igualada-Martinez.

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BPH 2023

Welcome from the Editor - Feras AI Jaafari
Needs must, is it time for a major rethink for men with symptomatic BPH? An updatefrom the GIRFT Academy - by Danielle Whiting, Johraj Kishore Raja Thinagaran, Feras AI Jaafari, Richard G Hindley.
A tide of change... could urology area networks relieve the obstruction in bladder outflow services? - by Joseph John, Stephanie Symons, Kieran O'Flynn, John McGrath.
Shared decision making within LUTS one stop clinic - by Christopher C Khoo, Tamer El-Husseiny.
Overview of recent technologies in BPH surgery - by Mark Rochester.

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Endourology Focus 2022

Welcome from the Editor - by Daron Smith
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy: a state-of-the-art technique in 2022 - by Ibrahim Jour, Sarah Howles, Benjamin Turney.
Developments in flexible ureteroscopy - by Ben H Chew, Naeem Bhojani.
Management of postoperative residual fragments after stone surgery: leave or chase? - by Wouter Goedertier, Amy Krambeck, Thomas Tally.
Metabolic screening and stone prevention - by Kymora B Scotland, Ryan Hsi.
An update on endouminal management of ureteric stricture disease - by Alistair Rogers, Oliver Wiseman, Steve Miller, Feras AI Jefaari, Daron Smith, Matthew Shaw.

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Andrology Update 2022

Introduction - by Asif Muneer
Contemporary managment of ischaemic priapism - by Hussain M Alnajjar, Rowland Rees.
Penile rehabilitation following surgery or radiotherapy for prostate cancer - by Giorgio Ivan Russo, Maria Giovanna Asmundo.
The management of haematospermia - a clinical update - by Varun Sahdev, Maria Satchi.
Understanding regenerative therapies for errectile dysfunction - by Fabio Castiglione, Asif Muneer.

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Functional Urology Issue I

Introduction - by Jay Khastgir
Optimisation of drug-resistant overactive bladder management - by Findlay MacAskill, Arun Sahai.
Stress urinary incontinence treatments - what's on the horizon? - by Fawzy Farag, Jay Khastgir.
Robotic approaches in reconstructive urology - by Andrew Deytrikh, Nadir I Osman.
Approach to management of LUTS with co-existing pelvic organ prolapse - by Ifeoma Offiah, Hashim Hashim.
Urodynamics in female urology: does it help outcomes? - by Thomas van Steenbergen, Michel Wyndaele.

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Prostate Cancer Focus Issue I

Introduction - by Rick Popert
COVID-19 secure prostate biopsy - LA TP biopsies and the TRexit initiative - by Rick Popert, Peter Acher.
Focal therapies in localised prostate cancer - by Matthew Deacon, Gordon Muir.
Advances in prostate LDR brachytherapy - focused brachytherapy - Stephen Morris, Rick Popert.
Advances in radiotherapy techniques for prostate cancer: shorter, faster, sharper and safer treatments - by Karen Chan, Stephen Morris, Simon Hughes, Sarah Harris.
Advances in robotic radical prostatectomy - Rick Popert, Declan Cahill, Christopher Eden.

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Fertility Focus 2020

Introduction - by Jonathan Ramsay
Update on the management of varicoceles in infertile men - by Musaab Yassin, Michael Ager, Tharu Tharakan, Suks Minhas.
Correctable causes of obstructive asoospermia - by Raveen Kaur Sandher, Majid Shabbir.
Vasectomy reversal - a contemporary review of UK practice - by Abdullah Almitwalli, Mark Johnson, David Ralph.
An update on male hypogonadism and fertility - Patrick Gordeon, Iain Eardley.
Adolescent and childhood fertility preservation - Shafiullah Wardak, Philippa Sangster.
DNA fragmentation: a guide for clinicians - by Jonathan Ramsay.

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